Monday, November 06, 2006

"Howdy, Folks! Welcome to The State Fair of Texas!" I remember hearing Big Tex say the exact same thing when I was a kid. Going to the State Fair will always be one of those little things that I enjoy. It's all so such an innocent way. Fried Coke and Fried Mac & Cheese? How can you turn it down? It's just meant to be accompanied by an $8 beer, while sitting in a concept car...and you must be wearing a tube top and a silly furry hat you won from a carnie on the Midway. doesn't sound nearly as decadent when you read it. I guess you just had to be there. Well, here are a few other things you missed out on if you didn't make it to the fair this year: Bryan Berg, The Cardstacker, recreated the Dallas skyline using playing cards. No glue, no tape, no folding....just stacking. Wow. Then he tore it all down with a leaf blower. I wish he would have worn a Godzilla costume. You can see more here: I'm impressed by his talent. Really, really impressed. Then there was the petting zoo. I had to put my little piggies next to some authentic little piggies. There was a camel, and also a joey still hanging out in momma kangaroo's pouch. The poor girl's belly was dragging the ground. I also saw a girl try to pick a cow's nose. City kids don't really understand livestock. After several hours, 500 miles of walking, and the obligatory corny dog.... my dogs, and Connie were worn out. We saw some cool Marilyn Monroe art, learned the history of the accordian in Latin music, rode some suspiciously squeaky carnival rides, and had an encounter with the police. Oh, yeah! The excitement NEVER ends 'round my place.


Zenhydra Lutris said...

Is that Connie in trouble with the police? And a photo of the furry hat would be appreciated.

tifanifty said...

The photos of the furry hat (and the furry hat itself) were confiscated when we picked up Connie at the Lost N Found. I told her you're not supposed to admit your intentions to transport such things across state lines.